

山本信雄 被爆当時41歳 旧制広島二中教師

  洋子 被爆当時 8歳 観音国民学校 2 年生

  英子 被爆当時 6歳

  信子 被爆当時39歳 旧制広島市立女学校元教師

About the photograph

The Yamamoto family before the atomic bombing of Hiroshima City on August 6th in 1945

From right

Nobuo Yamamoto, 41 years old at the time of the atomic bombing, Hiroshima Second Junior High School teacher

Yoko, 8 years old at the time of the atomic bombing, Kannon Primary School 2nd grade

Eiko, 6 years old at the time of the atomic bombing

Nobuko, 39 years old at the time of the atomic bombing, former teacher of Hiroshima City Women's School


「炎のメモワール」(原題「THE ATOMIC BOMB IN HIROSHIMA」)は、戦後2年が経過した頃、信子が英文で書いた被爆体験記です。





About this website

"Memoir of Flames" (original title "The Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima") is a record of the atomic bombing that Nobuko wrote in English two years after the war.

After Nobuko's death, Eiko discovered it among her belongings and translated it into Japanese and published it in 1982. It has been out of print for a long time since then, but in the summer of 2018, it was re-published as a booklet with the cooperation of volunteers.

In October of the same year, Eiko also died. In August 2019, I decided to make it public on a web page because she wanted many people to read it.

Although this page is link-free, the copyright belongs to Nobuko Yamamoto and Eiko Ono, and it is strictly prohibited to reprint, copy, publish, air, display, perform, etc. without permission.

「炎のメモワール」原文及びホームページの訳文に関しては『特定非営利活動法人 ノーモア・ヒバクシャ記憶遺産を継承する会』に校閲と英訳のご協力をいただきました。